Dental Marketing Resources

Are You Hoping to Attract More New Patients in 2021?

Meeting new patients is the lifeblood of a dental practice. New patients often bring additional patients with them by referring their family and friends. They also bring the potential for building a relationship that leads to dental procedures.

But how do you meet new patients? And better yet, how do you meet the type of patients that you really want to work with?

Be a Part of Your Community

How well known is your dental clinic in your community? Does your team participate in community events?

Can you set up a booth at local festivals or fairs? Maybe you could visit local schools and speak with children about their dental health?

There are many ways to give back to your community, which introduces your dental practice to potential new patients.

Focus on Building Relationships

Building great relationships with your current patients allows you to provide truly personalized dental care that patients are looking for. It also makes them want to talk about your dental clinic with their friends and family.

Word of mouth referrals is one of the highest compliments you can receive from your patients, and it’s also a great way to meet the type of new patient you really want to work with.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Referrals

Speaking of building relationships, don’t hesitate to ask your favourite patients for referrals. Think of it this way, your favourite patients are exactly the type of patient you enjoy working with, so why not ask them to refer people like them to your dental practice?

You can say something like, “Do you know someone that could benefit from the same type of great dental care we give you? We would love to meet them!”

Marketing Strategised for Your Dental Practice

Marketing is definitely an excellent tool to bring new patients to your dental clinic. An interesting and informative website helps patients see that you can provide the services they’re looking for. At the same time, social media allows you to connect with patients on a more personal basis.

Making sure you have the right strategies in place for your marketing will help you connect with more potential patients. Here are some things to consider:

  • Is your website modern and up-to-date?
  • Is your Google My Business (GMB) account accurate and current? (Think address, phone number, office hours)
  • Are you updating your content (blogs, social media posts) regularly to ensure the highest Google rankings?
  • Are you taking the time to respond to social media posts so you can connect with patients?
  • Are your SEO strategies working for you? (In terms of high rankings and more people seeing your website)

A reputable marketing company can help you with all of these things and more if you don’t have the time, which leaves you open for doing what you do best, taking great care of your patients.

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