Dental Marketing Resources

Creating Effective Dental Calls-to-Action

You’ve created a stunning website with a unique design and logo. You’ve filled it with reader-friendly, informative content focused on search engine optimisation (SEO). Now that you’ve successfully gotten your website up and running, you should start meeting more new patients as it converts your visitors into bookings.

If you do not see more new bookings from your website, it may be time to ensure that your content is not only optimised for SEO but that it’s also packed with calls-to-action or CTAs that invite your visitors to engage with you.

SEO helps your website gain visibility and drives traffic, but CTAs are equally important because they finish the job and invite your visitors to become patients. 

What Is a CTA?

A call-to-action essentially encourages your visitor to take the next step in engaging with you. They are generally short phrases that invite your prospective patient to take some sort of action to move forward with your dental practice.  

You should include CTAs throughout your content on your home page, a landing page, service description pages, or your blog content.

Pick Your Action

Before you add your CTAs, decide what type of outcome you’re looking for. For example, do you want to provide information with an e-book? Are you encouraging your prospective patient to book their next dental appointment? Do you have a newsletter you’d like them to subscribe to? 

Whatever the action is you would like them to take will be how you construct your CTAs. Here are some things you might want your CTAs to focus on:

  • Attracting Attention: Grab attention with your CTAs with colours or a button that prospective patients can click to lead them to a landing page, newsletter sign-up, or online scheduling tool.
  • Motivating: Use verbs or action words to start your CTAs like ‘click’, ‘book’, or ‘discover’, for example.
  • Providing Value: Make sure your content not only informs your readers with relevant information but also highlights the value your services provide before you hit them with your CTA. For example, your content might say something like: Are you struggling to enjoy the foods you love due to tooth loss? We welcome you to download our free treatment guide to learn more about how dental implants can restore your smile.
  • Personalising It: Make it more personal by using words like ‘you’ or ‘yours’. For example, you could include ‘Arrange your next teeth clean here’ in your text or blog, connecting with a link to your online scheduling tool for easy access.
  • Create a Landing Page: If you’re still not getting the number of bookings you would like each month, you might consider creating a specific landing page for prospective patients that makes it easy for them to complete the process. A landing page is also helpful if you have a particular offer to present. For example, say you’re offering free Invisalign evaluations for interested patients. You might have a landing page that your CTA directs prospective patients to so they can easily complete the registration process and get the information they need to participate in your event.  

What Do CTAs Look Like?

CTAs are generally short phrases using verbs to inspire your reader to act. Some examples might be:

  • Click Here for More Information
  • Download Our Informative E-Book
  • Subscribe to Our Newsletter
  • Register for Our Webinar
  • Arrange Your Next Appointment Here

Keep your CTAs short, friendly, and lead with action words so your reader understands the next steps in staying engaged with you.

As a general rule to ensure you remain within AHPRA’s guidelines, avoid using demanding, time-focused words like ‘now’ or ‘today’ in your CTAs. 

Our CTA for You

CTAs are only a small part of creating an effective website that helps you meet your marketing goals. Keeping your website fresh, relevant, and updated requires ongoing attention. If you need more help or don’t have time to worry about marketing at all, your team at GDW can do the hard work for you. Contact us to learn more about how we can take the guesswork out of marketing and help you reach your goals.

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