AU Resources

Do Dental Websites Even Matter?

On occasion, we see comments on dental-focused forums and groups that share sentiments similar to the quote above. And we get it! In most markets, word of mouth is the most common referral source. We'd be surprised if we ever saw that change. And you'll probably never see us trying to talk down the importance of reviews.

But it even so, websites are still extremely important, not just because we built our company around selling them. Why? Because patient referrals don't happen in a vacuum.

Let's say your friend Sally ask you which dentist you go to, and you tell Sally that you go to Dr. X. She's probably not going to ask you for their number, then call and immediately schedule an appointment.

Instead, Sally is probably going to look the dentist up online, read their reviews, and visit their website. But more often than not, Sally asked at least one or two other friends who they use for their dentist, and she probably also looked them up before making a decision.

Sally may also have asked the same question in her neighborhood NextDoor or Facebook group and saw something like this:

Your practice may have been referred in these chains, but so have your competitors! How do you stand out from the rest?

Aside from making sure you have recent, positive reviews on the major platforms where you may be shared (Facebook, Google, Yelp), make sure your website gives Sally a reason to choose you.

You'll want to remove the objections Sally may have to choosing your practice when they have several options to review. Show off your before and after work, have written and video testimonials from patients, and have a welcome/practice overview video that features you and your team.

Let Sally get to know you and your practice, regardless of how she found her way to your website. It could be the tool needed to close the sale and make her a patient!

If you would like a free, no-pressure review of ways you can help your current website attract patients, send me a message and we'll send you some personalized tips and recommendations.

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