AU Resources

Software Update: Contact Page Expansion

This is a big one! The Contact Page overhaul gave a big facelift to this page and makes the contact page feel more individualised and utilises our location specific integrations for our multi-location websites. 

For this overhaul we added new features such as a banner image option, office photos and first visit page integration, map module with featured staff, a testimonial module and a service module.

First on the page is the banner image that has a white overlay similar to the blog pages. If no banner is uploaded, there will simply be the H1 bar like the other internal pages. To upload a banner image, you can edit the contact page and you will see an image upload option on the admin page. 

Below the banner, the practice information and contact form will remain the same. If there is location specific page content or general page content for the contact page, this will appear directly below the banner with some divider bars.

The next module down the page is a section for CTA buttons leading to the office pictures page or the first visit page if amenities were added. This section will automatically appear if the office page is turned on and/or the first visit page is turned on and amenities added.

If only one of the areas is available, only the related button will show. For example, if the first visit page is turned off but the office pictures page is turned on, only the office call to action button will show. The lead text above the buttons is display text and can be edited via edit mode.

The next module is split with a map section and a featured staff section. If there are no featured staff, the map will be full width. If there are multiple staff members who have been marked as featured staff they will show in a rotating flexslider with a link to their bio.

The next modules down are a call to action bar and a testimonial module many of you are already familiar with. The testimonial module will use the top ranked location specific testimonial if available, otherwise it will pull in simply the top ranked testimonial.

The final section will be links to the Service pages. 

This overhaul was automatically applied to our clients who are on our V2 layout. If you don’t see these changes to your contact page and would like to make the update, please contact your Marketing Coach at GDW. If you don’t have one or aren’t sure who that is please contact our Support Team!

Great Dental Websites Support Team - +61 2 8014 2522

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